all postcodes in UB10 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB10 9AA 45 0 51.549868 -0.452843
UB10 9AB 46 0 51.550232 -0.453134
UB10 9AD 26 0 51.550903 -0.447443
UB10 9AE 46 0 51.550134 -0.445738
UB10 9AF 36 0 51.549946 -0.443797
UB10 9AG 44 0 51.549581 -0.44205
UB10 9AH 43 0 51.549135 -0.447748
UB10 9AJ 42 0 51.547352 -0.448198
UB10 9AL 33 0 51.546721 -0.446734
UB10 9AN 34 0 51.545849 -0.445423
UB10 9AP 1 1 51.546619 -0.42023
UB10 9AQ 22 0 51.550308 -0.447333
UB10 9AT 37 0 51.548736 -0.440694
UB10 9AU 27 0 51.547667 -0.441438
UB10 9AW 4 0 51.546526 -0.447635
UB10 9AX 25 0 51.546822 -0.442101
UB10 9AY 17 0 51.545942 -0.442881
UB10 9AZ 18 0 51.545404 -0.443707
UB10 9BA 18 0 51.54492 -0.444474
UB10 9BB 24 0 51.544049 -0.445974